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Using modern technology different students can learn at different levels in the same lesson

Technology enhanced learning can take each different student to a new level of understanding the world in which they live

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Listening to my voice

Access to the power of education is for all students irrespective of their disability or mental age

Slide 3
Listening to my voice

Curiosity and interest are the starting point of all learning

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Listening to my voice

Being proud of your achievements and sharing your success with others is an essential part of learning

Slide 5
Listening to the students different voices

The learner-centered approach is therefore strongly advocated, based on the conviction that all are capable of learning and self-development to their highest potentiality.

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Communicate with me at my level

No matter the student’s chronological age, every student has a different mental age and each must be allowed to learn at their own level

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Thai Voices can be heard?

  1. Words of Encouragement to the significance of the website
  2. The Student Voices
  3. Thai Voices Objectives
  4. Progress of teaching in Thai special schools
  5. How to use the website for the teacher
  6. Sample Lesson Plan in English and Thai

Moving On; Adventurer

Moving On; Explorer

Moving On; Traveller

Moving On; Globetrotter

Moving On; Voyager

Thai Voices