Subject Schemes of Work and Strands with definitions

1. Thai Language

The knowledge skills and culture in language application for communication; delight in and appreciation of Thai wisdom; and pride in national language

Strand 1 Reading

pronouncing words; reading aloud words, sentences, literature and different kinds of compositions; reading to oneself for comprehension and for acquiring thinking skills in analysing and synthesising knowledge from the readings for adapted application in daily life

Strand 2 Writing

Writing words in accord with rules of Thai orthography; writing various kinds of communications, compositions, synopses and reports based on study and research; and imaginative, analytical and critical, and creative writing

Strand 3 Listening, viewing, and speaking

Critical listening and viewing; speaking to express opinions, feelings, speaking on various matters in logical sequence; speaking on various occasions, both formal and informal; and persuasive speaking

Strand 4 Principles of Thai Language Usage

Studying nature and rules of Thai language; accurate linguistic usage appropriate to different occasions and persons; writing various kinds of works; and influence of foreign languages on Thai language

Strand 5 Literature and Literary Works

Analyse literature and literary works for studying data, concepts and values of literary writings as well as for pleasure; learning and comprehension of chants, children’s rhymes and folk songs representing valuable Thai wisdom—these have contributed to customs and traditions, social matters of the past as well as linguistic beauty, leading to appreciation and pride in our ancestors’ legacies accumulated over the years and passed on to the present


2. Mathematics

Preparing students to have critical thinking skills, critical thinking, problem solving and creative thinking. Using technology communication and cooperation which will result in students being informed of changes in economic, social, cultural, and environmental systems. Able to compete and live with the world community.

Strand 1 Numbers and Algebra

Learn about real number systems, properties of real numbers, percentage ratio, estimation, solving problems with numbers. Using numbers in real life patterns, relationships, functions, set, logic, expressions, polynomial, polynomial, system equations, inequalities, graphs, interest and monetary values sequence and serial. And the application of knowledge about numbers and algebra to various situations.

Strand 2 Measurement and Geometry

Learn about lengths, distance, weight, area, volume and capacity, money and time, measurement units, systems, measurement predictions, Trigonometric ratio, geometry, and properties of geometry. Visualization of geometric models, geometric theorem, geometric transformations of parallelism, reflection, rotation and application of measurement and geometry knowledge in various situations.

Strand 3 Statistics and Probability

Learn about asking statistical questions, data collection, calculation of statistics, presentation, and interpretation of results for qualitative and quantitative data. Basic counting principles probability. Using knowledge of statistics and probability in explaining various events and helping to make decisions.


3. Science

Linking knowledge and processes. Have important skills in researching and creating knowledge by using the process of searching for knowledge and solving various problems. Engage students in every step of learning. There are activities that are conducted in various real actions. Suitable for class.

Strand 1 Biological Science

Learn about life in the environment, composition , human and animal life, plant life, genetic, biodiversity and the evolution of living things.

Strand 2 Physical Science

Learn about nature of substance, change in substance , movement of energy and waves.

Strand 3 Earth and Space Science

Learn about elements of the universe. Interaction within the solar system, space technology, earth system, geological change, climate change process and affecting organisms and the environment.

Strand 4 Technology

Design and technology learn about technology for living in a rapidly changing society. Use knowledge and skills in science, mathematics, and other sciences to solve problems or develop creative work using an engineering design process. Choose the right technology by considering

the impact on life, society, and the environment.
Computational science learns about computational thinking, critical thinking, problem

solving and systematic solving. Apply knowledge in computer science and information and communication technology. To effectively solve problems encountered in real life.


4. Social Studies Religion and Culture

The peaceful coexistence in Thai society and the world community; good citizenship; faith in religious teachings; appreciation of resources and the environment; and patriotism and pride in Thai-ness.

Strand 1 Religion, Morality and Ethics

The fundamental concepts about religion, morality, ethics and principles of Buddhism or those of learners’ religions; application of religions, principles and teachings for self-development and peaceful and harmonious coexistence; ability to do good deeds; acquisition of desirable values; continuous self-development as well as provision of services for social and common interests and concerns

Strand 2 Civics, Culture and Living in Society

The political and administrative systems of the present society; democratic form of government under constitutional monarchy; characteristics and importance of good citizenship; cultural differences and diversity; values under constitutional monarchy; rights, duties and freedoms in peaceful existence in Thai society and the world community

Strand 3 Economics

Production, distribution and consumption of goods and services. Efficient management of limited resources. Living a life with balance and the application of the sufficiency economy principles in daily life.

Strand 4 History

The historical times and periods; historical methodology; development of mankind from the past to the present; relationships and changes of various events; effects of important events in the past; personalities that influenced various changes in the past; historical development of the Thai nation; culture and Thai wisdom; origins of important civilizations of the world

Strand 5 Geography

Characteristics of the physical world, physical characteristics resources and the climate of Thailand and different regions of the world. Using maps and geographic tools. The relation of various things in the natural system. Human relations with the natural environment and manmade things. Presentation of geographic information. Environmental conservation for sustainable development.


5. Health and Physical Education

The knowledge, skills and favourable attitude towards strengthening one’s own health and that of others; prevention and proper treatment of various things affecting one’s health; and life skills

Strand 1 Human growth and development

The nature of human growth and development; factors affecting growth; relationships and linkages in the functioning of various body systems as well as self-conduct for attaining growth and

Strand 2 Life and family

students’ values and those of their families; self-adjustment to changes in various respects—physical, mental, emotional, sexual; creating and maintaining relationships with others; sexual health practices and life skills

Strand 3 Movement, Physical Exercise, Games, Thai, and International Sports

Various forms of movement; participation in a variety of physical activities and sports, both as individuals and in teams, and both Thai and international sports; observance of rules, regulations, orders, agreements for participation in physical activities and sports, and having sporting spirit

Strand 4 Health-Strengthening Capacities and Disease Prevention

Principles and methods of selecting food for consumption, health products and services; capacity- strengthening for health and prevention of communicable and non- communicable diseases

Strand 5 Safety in Life

Self-protection from various risk behaviors , i.e., health risks, accidents, violence, harm from use of medicines and addictive substances as well as guidelines for promoting safety in life


6. Arts

Knowledge and skills for initiative; inspiration and imagination in creating works of art; aesthetics and art appreciation

Strand 1 Visual Art

Knowledge and understanding of composition of art, visual elements; ability to create and present works of visual arts from imagination by being able to use appropriate instruments as well as artistic techniques and methods for efficiently creating works of art; ability to analyze and criticize value of works of visual art; understanding of the relationship between visual arts, history and culture; appreciation of value of works of art representing cultural heritage, local wisdom, Thai and universal wisdom; delight in art and apply in daily life

Strand 2 Music

Knowledge and understanding of composition of music; ability to express themselves freely through music, analyse and criticise value of music and convey feelings freely through music; delight in music and apply in daily life; appreciation of the relationship between music, history and culture; appreciation of music representing cultural heritage, local wisdom, Thai and universal wisdom; ability to sing and play various forms of music, express opinions about musical sounds, express aesthetic feelings about music and understand the relationship between music, tradition, culture and historical events

Strand 3 Dramatic Arts

Knowledge and understanding of composition of dramatic arts; ability to creatively express themselves through dramatic arts, use basic vocabulary of dramatic arts, analyze and criticize values of dramatic arts, convey feelings and thoughts freely, create various forms of movement and apply dramatic arts in daily life; understanding of the relationship between dramatic arts, history and culture; appreciation of values of dramatic arts representing


7 Occupation

knowledge, skills, and attitude towards work; management; way of life; livelihood and application of technology

Strand 1 Life and the Family

Ability to help themselves, their families and society under guidance of the principles of sufficiency economy; intent not to destroy the environment; emphasis on actual practice until attainment of confidence and pride in their accomplishments in order to discover their own capacities, aptitudes and interests.

Strand 2 Occupations

Skills essential to learners’ occupations; recognition of the importance of morality, ethics, and favorable attitude towards occupations; ability to use technologies appropriately; appreciation of value of honest occupations; and ability to see prospects for future careers


8. English as a Foreign Language

Knowledge, skills, attitude, and culture in foreign language application for communication, seeking further knowledge and livelihood

Strand 1 Language for Communication

Use of foreign languages for listening, speaking, reading, and writing, exchanging data and information, expressing feelings and opinions, interpreting, presenting data, concepts, and views on various matters, and creating interpersonal relationships appropriately

Strand 2: Language and Culture

Use of foreign languages harmonious with culture of native speakers; relationships, similarities and differences between languages and cultures of native speakers; languages and cultures of native speakers and Thai culture; and appropriate application.



Thai Voices