How to use the website for the teacher

Steps to follow to use the website


Step one

Read the vision and purpose of Thai  Voices and watch the video about the development of teaching practices in Panyanukul schools


Step two

Read and discuss the basic points that the teacher must understand


Step three

Read the new Thai National Curriculum for Panyanukul students Identify the definitions of the subjects objectives of the strands the level descriptors


Step four

For your subject eg Science read the strand you want to teach and the success level standards and look at the  assessment criteria.


Step five

Assess the pupils in your class and identify the different levels of success of different students


Step six

Look at the schemes of work for your strand and identify which units you are going to need to refer to for your class


Step seven

Write your lesson plan incorporating some of the text from the units you need and Search the world wide web for ideas to help you and save and print off your lesson plan. The lesson plan should cover a unit which is ten hours long


Step eight

Teach your lesson using the teaching and learning guidelines on the Thai Voices Website


Step nine

Evaluate the success of your teaching according the the level of student Involvement


Step ten

Look across the Thai Voices website to find information to support your teaching of student self determination technology enhanced learning and play


Option step eleven

Look at the charts on site scheme of work usage and if needed ask your teacher colleagues for help


Option twelve

Discuss your ideas and what you are learning with your teacher colleagues either from your own school or by posting requests on the website forum


Thai Voices