School management

What Is a school management system and why is it so important?

This Thai Voices website is not a photograph album. It is a professional development document for teacher. It is flexible and can be added to or changed by any school as long as the Overall Project-Webmaster  at Petchaburi Panyanukul school agrees. Any school wishing to contact the Overall Project-Webmaster to make changes or add new material must contact them for their work to be edited to keep to a consistent professional standard. The website is a live and growing all the time. This is a vital part of developing school management in the coming years.

Schools of all levels and sizes face numerous challenges in organizing communications between administrators, teachers, students, and parents. Student information, payments, and other administrative tasks can be overwhelming, especially at medium and large educational institutions. School management systems can automate these tasks and reduce administrative and personnel requirements.

But what is a school management system? Why does it so important? And how can schools in the Arab region benefit from and implement it? 

This is what we will learn in today’s article, so keep reading on…


What Is School Management System?

A school management system is an information management system for educational institutions to manage student data. It helps teachers get information about students faster, easier and reduces their workload. 

Student databases in school management systems contain information about the students, such as their exam grades, parent information, medical history, tuition fees, etc.

School management systems provide skills such as student registration, class documents, grades, analytical grades for students, and other assessment elements. In addition, school management systems are used to plan the curriculum of students, record their presence and manage the needs of students in the school.

School management solutions are web and mobile-based applications with centralized data storage structures that make it easier for administrators, students, teachers, and parents to access data from iPhone and Android devices. 

After answering the question of “what is a school management system?”, let’s move directly to the importance and ask the following question:


Why Do the Schools Need School Management System?

1. Building a Giant Database for Your School

School management software can host modules that allow users to maintain academic histories and student records. All information about the students can be accessed via the school administration system. 

School management systems contain a lot of information about Atudents like their exam grades, parent information, medical history, school fees details, etc. And this helps teachers to obtain information about students faster, and easier, and to reduce their workload.

2. Facilitating the Educational Process Management

School management systems facilitate the different educational processes such as student registration, class documents, grades, analytical grades for students, and other assessment elements. 

In addition, school management systems can be used to plan students’ curriculum, record their attendance and manage student-related needs within the school. 

Moreover, school management systems vary in size, scope, and ability to be packaged and implemented by small organizations that cover student data and enterprise solutions that aim to cover most aspects of the operation of large organizations and their online schools with significant local responsibilities.

School management systems reduce administrators, teachers, employees, and others’ activities by providing them with a platform to monitor activities, create reports, and upload documents, and more.

3. Maintaining School Resources

The traditional means of resource management leads to wasteful budget allocation, overburdens the operation of school facilities, and fewer responsibilities are mitigated by school management systems because they connect students to school facilities, and vice versa. 

Moreover, school management software provides a platform that allows parents to make fee payments. That’s a convenient way for parents to avoid late fee problems, as the software can send SMS updates when not paid fees.

4. Building Powerful and Central Communication

Teachers, staff, and other external actors can work together on a central platform. When the administration wants to send urgent messages to parents, or when parents need to make complaints about communication between students and teachers, a school administration system is an internal communication platform that connects one party to another.

Also, implementing a school management system helps parents to be active participants in the educational cycle of pupils. It informs parents about their children’s intellectual development and academic performance; this is an essential reinforcement to motivate students to perform. 

Also, School documents and scheduling are handled via cloud access. Headteachers have access to a specific timetable and daily reports from all teachers.

Thai Voices